Saturday, January 31, 2009

Angels Amongst Us

They are usually the ones sitting at a table laughing,with smiles that seem to be endless,onlookers often gaze in wonder of curious conversations wanting to join in.It is allways said to walk a mile in someone else"s shoes but more times than never we find ourselves ignoring the right thing.For these people in particular amplify positivity to many.As the hardships are nowhere to be seen they hold them in their hearts as if their body and soul we two different people.They don"t complain nor will you ever hear them speak ill,for the things we take for granted that go on in our lives,these people have worn more than glasses.From a loss on unexpected turns of events that seem to have no ending, they strive forward with the attitude of life,the inspiration and admiration can only be known if you are close to them.May everything turn better for these special friends,and may you join in on the laughter that surrounds them on every occasion possible.They are truly Angels Amongst Us.Brad 01/29/2009 For my special friends.B and R

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