Saturday, January 31, 2009

Angels Amongst Us

They are usually the ones sitting at a table laughing,with smiles that seem to be endless,onlookers often gaze in wonder of curious conversations wanting to join in.It is allways said to walk a mile in someone else"s shoes but more times than never we find ourselves ignoring the right thing.For these people in particular amplify positivity to many.As the hardships are nowhere to be seen they hold them in their hearts as if their body and soul we two different people.They don"t complain nor will you ever hear them speak ill,for the things we take for granted that go on in our lives,these people have worn more than glasses.From a loss on unexpected turns of events that seem to have no ending, they strive forward with the attitude of life,the inspiration and admiration can only be known if you are close to them.May everything turn better for these special friends,and may you join in on the laughter that surrounds them on every occasion possible.They are truly Angels Amongst Us.Brad 01/29/2009 For my special friends.B and R

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It Was Noticed With A Smile

There it is I say,as I reluctantly show the meanings of truth in my own perspective,its anticipated with the notion of negativity,can you hold the blame,I cant, let it out and it may seem like I am gone into the distance which usually happens in times like these,as I run for the door it seems so far away,is it possible the hallway out will not end,please,please come quick as the patience is wearing thin and the legs are shaking,yelling lingers in the background and comments aloud.At last the way out is golden, my kingdom awaits a few steps away,as the door opens a gasp of fresh air hits my face and all I can think about is please do not follow,chants linger in the distance as far away from that moment I am,it all could have been said in a diffrent way,but the day after it was noticed with a smile.Brad 01 26 09.

Our Own little Idiodesseys

We all have them,some more than others,some that stand on the outsides of our souls and some that lay deep below the surface.We allow them to come out when we choose to share them or when unexpected situations occur,identifying them allows you to recognize and correct those of ill.Cut from diffrent cloths we all intertwine in one way or another,but all have developed those things we dont want to be familiar to us.Sit back and take a very good look at your world of perfection and you will see.We all have Our Own Little Idiodesseys.Brad 01/27/2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

They Run

They run throughout the underground of their world,working under the microscope of their superiors,some are workers and the ones that are not, are royalty. In their own little world,tunnels stockpiling and consuming all in its path,for the seasons seem short of the efforts that are needed.Fire has ravished through our homes in abundence of unexpected proportions,some were lost brothers,sisters, parents and friends,but we raged forward with determination to rebuild what was lost and are now stronger than ever.We will allways survive somewhere,if not here.To the people trying to steal our rights to live in an equal world where we are all respected and loved.I leave you with this They Run.Brad 01/25/09 I wrote this for Bones who is having a major Ant problem in his Backyard.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Walls

As I sit here in a dark place of uncertainty I know the outcome will follow,Where is the path leading,and what is held waiting for me.The part of not knowing is a sweet mystery that I can help but not think about.One day at a time a struggle of happiness lingers softly in the distance,I am trying to extend my arm to grab it as it pulls away into the distance.I am catching it at the finish line I guess but sometimes seems as though the race is repetetive.Maybe help is the answer do I speak out or keep this quiet.Will the embarassment hurt more than what I feel now.No I cant I will keep it to myself and mask the pain as though I am all wrapped up and noone can see me until I am opened.Sorry that I must go I wish I could explain all the answers before hand but it seems I cannot.So this is goodbye.Brad 01/19/2009 The feelings of a dearly missed friend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's Time

Do you ever sit back and wonder what your life has become,has it paved the road for you that you had thought was going to lead you.Or do you sit and ponder the choices made,some out of moments, and some for others,have you ever wanted to be more than complacent,do you sometimes feel that life molds us into the boring paths of direction lead before us.Have you ever had a dream or an impulse to do out of the ordinary,and if so have you.Have Dictators ruled your Kingdom of uncertainty only to search for their own outcome or greed,I find the forces amongst us have a very bearing on what or who we become,the realization of systematic behaviour dwells within us all.For money will allways flow for the rich and the poor,some in abundance and some in small amounts,who is happier,the rich that allways strive for more wealth,or the poor who allways strive for more wealth.It seems that their is no happy medium in a world of greed that consumes not who we are today,but who we were.We learn what we are taught and taunted by daily,but at one point we were so innocent to change,and did not ask to be burdened with the ignorance of this world.But had to go along with it to survive.It seems at some point in age something turns on your switch and says "It's Time".Brad 01/15/2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lifes Uncertainty

It seems throughout history lifes lessons and obstacles are put in front of you to test what you are made of, sit back and look at things, and steps you can take to overcome what you feel may be impossible,there is nothing you can't do and everything you can,Be rid of outside shadows of negativity and jealousy and move forward with big strides and leaps.Of course hurdles are allways in lifes path,but it is only you who can chose to jump over them.Nothing is to gain without suffering.Sadness surrounds us all but happiness only surrounds those who choose it.We as individuals are responsible for our own happiness,and every individual has the right to be happy and create thier own happiness, for what is right for one may not be right for another.You are the person driving your machine of life and if it runs out of gas it is up to you to refuel it.Brad 01/13/2009