Friday, February 27, 2009

She Inspires

A quiet frail little person holds the weight of many on her shoulders,she struuggles for an explanation from above and it often comes with no direct answers,she radiates smiles and glowing beams of forgiveness in her heart fighting the hurt inside, she feels at times noone cares but everywhere she goes people stop and stare,she lights up the room of all earths fires ,when she walks in without saying words,she has climbed many obstacles in her short life and makes so many proud.If you have the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her you will find that this world has not changed her or caused her pain ,but the people that abandon her have,she has all the goals of a champion and is one day going to set that hurt free,the battle is just begining for her and I know her strengths will keep her straight.Brad 02/27/2009

Humble Friendships

A friendship is something to appreciate and something to develope and nuture.Have you ever wondered what a friendship in our times of living is,and does it exsist or are we all living with fake costumes on the outside as our inner thoughts speak words of jealousy or deceit.Helping a friend is reaching out with no expectations of glory or praise,no boosting or commenting to others for your own gratification .Friendship is the understanding in times of pain or confusion.We often are riddled with so many of our own problems we forget what is important.Have you ever shrugged off a friend in need due to your own selfish wants.Loyalty, is there such a thing or is it us feeling guilty of circumstances in which we did not create.What ever it is some friends come and go but I think that when distance is put in the path of friends and a phone call seems like you had just left off it is probably the closest feeling I have had in friendship.Brad 02/27/2009 As mick said in one of his movies "To All My Friends"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chasing Bee's

She pushes the door open as the wind is trying to hold back,almost as if it locking her in,as the door opens she moves forward with her left foot first.The cars in the parking lot driving looking for their destination of stance,as she slowly makes her way through ,approaching the street to where she lives,walking with a smile for today is a summer day no care in the world,sipping on her juice gazing down on the street,she takes the time to think about what is important to her in that moment.A neighbour lifts his arm with a wave and a discreet smile cracking the aged mans face,he nod"s a wink and a smile is returned.A group of teenagers working on an old beat up car performing surgery to try and get it's heart beating again look as she passes,ten steps before the curb a flying creature latches on to her drink hoping to feast on the sweetness of the juice,as she panics to her phobia ,she becomes oblivious to her surroundings and steps off the curb badly twisting her ankle,limping home she arrives and explains the situation as we laugh it seems no matter where she goes they are present,almost as if she is Chasing Bee's.Brad Feb 25 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

I Am Here

The day was awaiting patiently on the two occasions of your lives,the excitement was greatly anticipated by us,we are nervous and anxious to gaze down upon you and hold your soft skin close.You are my little Rockstars and in you I have given me.Time is so often hard on outcomes and moments not changed,but carry the memory with you allways as I walk through your steps.Protect the ones you love around you and remember they are you.Ask as many questions about me as you can and do not ever be embarrassed to ask, for I can only tell so much and hope you understand as my time is almost over.I will reach out and be watching no matter the place thats awaits.The boy that turns into a man and is not allowed to be a boy any longer,the daughter that will need others to live inside memories for her.The Mother that moves forward by no choice.Think of me allways and remember I Am Here.Brad 02/20/2009 For the once little Rockstars.J and M

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Burning Within All

As she lays on the bed her eyes moving with wonder waiting for the moment to pass,reflecting on those things once takin for granted,we can try to understand but will not, for her path is hers ,shared with many others but often secluded to herself.The reason for this unexplainable pain on a daily basis not known by even the best of best.The numbness in her mouths speaks with a slight hesitation ,as each word is carefully thought out before being released,the legs weak at times,the vision blury,but moves forward angrily attacking what is trying to take over.The worry calls to us that are close,her destination of distance is over Sea's.Today I am thinking of her and hope she is safe ,sheltered from the cloud of pain that lingers over her head waiting to pour down the next storm of uncertainty.The battle is all up the mountain side may her rope catch her fall,and stop The Burning Within All.Brad 02/03/2009 For my Dear Friend thinking of you.T.W

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When The Night Falls

The night is falling on a snowy day,The frost lay upon the windows as the cool wind gasps for another breath,off in the distance a cry of the wild lingers with echoes overhead.The moon slowly starting to rise to its destination, a course that it lives daily through no change or redirection,as if it has known where it belongs all along,the stars glitter with shimmering light,I step forward to the path of my work,each step in exhaustion from the days events,I slowly walk back and forth lifting and throwing within each movement,I endulge in a mouthful of cool crisp air between motions,as the biceps cry out in anger,I quickly ignore thier madning complaints.The road is echoing of in the distance and it seems you are right beside the tires that are tearing through the snow.The softness of feathers fall from the sky leaving a damp remnance behind.A salt water tear glides along the side of my face only to drop off into its distance.All this happens When The Night Falls.Brad 02/03/2009 Shovelling The Driveway.